Outcome Based Education

Yenepoya (Deemed to be University) has adopted Outcome Based Education (OBE) across all the constituent colleges.This educational framework is based on desired outcomes and defined goals to be achieved by the students. It is expected to show evident distinguishable improvement and attainment of knowledge and skill.
OBE tends to addresses the following:

  • What do we want the students to have? 
  • What do we want the students to be able to do? 
  • How can we best help students achieve the desired goals? 
  • How will we know whether the students have achieved it?
  • How does it help in Continuous Quality Improvement?

The components of OBE which have been defined by our constituent colleges include:

  • Vision Mission of the institution
  • Program educational objectives (PEOs)
  • Program Outcomes (POs)
  • Program-specific Outcomes (PSOs)
  • Course outcomes (COs)
  • Course-specific learning outcomes (CSOs)/ Competencies

Program Educational Objectives

describe the professional accomplishments of the graduates to be attained within a few years of their graduation.

Program Outcomes

are statements about the knowledge, skills, and attitudes (attributes) thata graduate should attain at the end of a program(Eg: MBBS, BDS, MD, MCh, BPT, BDS, BSc. Nursing, BAMS, etc.)

Program-specific outcomes

are specific statements about what the student should be able to do at the time of graduation concerning cognitive, affective and psychomotor learning domains.

Course outcomes

are statements describing the meaningful, observable and measurable knowledge, skills, attitudes and attributes the student will learn by the end of course/subject (Eg: Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, etc.).

Course-specific learning outcomes or Competencies

are designed to be a measurable, observable, and specific statement indicating what the student must know and should be able to do at the end of a teaching-learning process.

Mapping of learning outcomes

With clearly stated components of OBE, we have undertaken the next step that includes:

  • Course-specific outcomes/Competencies are mapped with the course outcomes using attainment values (Substantial, Moderate, Slight and None) 
  • Similarly, course outcomes are mapped with program outcomes

The different formative and summative assessment tools for all subjects are identified to measure the performance of students. This helps in identifying all OBE attainment levels which include:

  • Assignment Performance Report
  • Question-CSO Analysis Report which also identifies the remedial actions to be taken in student learning progress
  • Outcome attainment (Course Specific, course and program)
  • Levels of competencies analysis (question-wise, student wise, and attainment wise)
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