SL No. | Name | Qualifications | Designation | Internal/External |
1 | Dr. Sachidananda Adiga | MBBS, MD (Pharmacology) | Chairperson | External |
2 | Ms. Sharika Rai B | LLB, LLM | Legal expert | External |
3 | Mr. Nithya Chethan Chakravarthy | LLB, MSW | Legal Expert | External |
4 | Fr. Siby Kaitharan MI | MHA, BPh, BTh | Theologist | External |
5 | Dr. Shwetha Joyce Rasquinha | MSW, MPhil, PhD | Social Scientist | External |
6 | Dr. Sayeegeetha | MA, PhD (Tulu Language) | Lay person | External |
7 | Ms. Shilpa | BA with secretarial practice | Lay person | External |
8 | Dr. Sripada G Mehandale | MBBS, DA MD (Anesthesiology) | Clinician | External |
9 | Dr. Malcolm Pinto | MD (Dermatology) | Clinician | Internal |
10 | Dr. Nagapati Bhat | MBBS, MD (Pharmacology) | Basic Medical Scientist | Internal |
11 | Dr. Mohammed Guthigar | MSW, PhD | Social Scientist | Internal |
12 | Ms. Viji Prasad | MSc, PG Dip Bioethics (Psychiatric Nursing) | Nurse | Internal |
13 | Dr. Pooja Harish S | BDS, MDS (Orthodontics) | Dentist | Internal |
14 | Dr. Ravi Vaswani | MD, PG Dip Bioethics (Gen Medicine) | Clinician/Joint Secretary | Internal |
15 | Dr. Uma Kulkarni | DNB (Ophthal), DOMS, PGDBEME, PGDCE | Member Secretary | Internal |
3rd floor, Academic Block, Yenepoya Medical College, Deralakatte, Mangalore 575018 Karnataka India
0900 - 1300 and 1400 - 1600 hours (except Sundays, third Saturdays and Yenepoya University declared holidays)
Office: +91(824)2206000-2055
Member-Secretary: +919448150032
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