Yenepoya Ethics Committee-1

Composition of YEC - 1

SL No.NameQualificationsDesignationInternal/External
1Dr. Sachidananda AdigaMBBS, MD (Pharmacology)ChairpersonExternal
2Ms. Sharika Rai BLLB, LLM Legal expertExternal
3Mr. Nithya Chethan ChakravarthyLLB, MSWLegal ExpertExternal
4Fr. Siby Kaitharan MIMHA, BPh, BThTheologistExternal
5Dr. Shwetha Joyce RasquinhaMSW, MPhil, PhDSocial ScientistExternal
6Dr. SayeegeethaMA, PhD (Tulu Language)Lay personExternal
7Ms. ShilpaBA with secretarial practice Lay personExternal
8Dr. Sripada G Mehandale MBBS, DA MD
Clinician External
9Dr. Malcolm Pinto MD (Dermatology) Clinician Internal
10Dr. Nagapati Bhat MBBS, MD (Pharmacology)Basic Medical Scientist
11Dr. Mohammed GuthigarMSW, PhDSocial Scientist Internal
12Ms. Viji Prasad MSc, PG Dip Bioethics
(Psychiatric Nursing)
13Dr. Pooja Harish SBDS, MDS (Orthodontics)DentistInternal 
14Dr. Ravi Vaswani MD, PG Dip Bioethics (Gen
Clinician/Joint Secretary Internal 
15Dr. Uma Kulkarni DNB (Ophthal), DOMS,
Member SecretaryInternal 

Secretarial Support Staff:

Ms. Vindhya K

Ms. Jainabu Mufeeda

YEC-1 Secretariat:

3rd floor, Academic Block, Yenepoya Medical College, Deralakatte, Mangalore 575018 Karnataka India

Office hours:

0900 - 1300 and 1400 - 1600 hours (except Sundays, third Saturdays and Yenepoya University declared holidays)

Contact details:


Office: +91(824)2206000-2055

Member-Secretary: +919448150032


Yenepoya Ethics Committee -1 is recognized by/registered with/accredited by

  • Forum for Ethics Review Committees of the Asia and Western Pacific Region (FERCAP) under the SIDCER initiative of the WHO
  • National Accreditation Board of Hospitals and Healthcare Providers (NABH)
  • Drugs Controller General of India (DCGI)
  • Department of Health Research (DHR)
  • Office for Human Research Protection (DHHS)

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