Directorate of Academics

Academic diversification of the Yenepoya (Deemed to be University) has led to the establishment of newer constituent units with an appreciable number of Faculties of Study. Each of the constituent units and other relevant bodies and officers of the University has to contribute to academics, teaching-learning-evaluation, and research to supplement the overall performance. The University has committed to the UGC Quality mandate on Outcome Based Education and has taken measures to implement the same across all the programs. In this direction, the University has created a Directorate of Academics to streamline the process of curriculum design, development, and implementation for the programs offered. The Dean of Academics has been appointed for this purpose


The Directorate of Academics of the University is responsible for the following

  • Develop, assess, and supervise academic activities in compliance with statutory regulations and accreditation body standards.
  • Regularly assesses the procedures to improve transparency and quality and updates academic programs, including curricula, courses, and infrastructure, to ensure their quality.
  • Facilitate academic meetings through the Departmental Boards of Studies, and the Faculty Boards of Studies culminating in the University Academic Council.
  • Schedule, plan and implement the decisions made in academic meetings.
  • Empower faculty to develop teaching modules based on the curricula and syllabi designed.
  • Facilitate implementation of competency-based/outcome-based curriculum
  • Sensitize the faculty on UGC and MHRD ICT-enabled initiatives and Quality mandates.
  • Analyze feedback from all the stakeholders for strengthening the academic courses and programs

The Directorate of Academics collaborates with the following stakeholders in the implementation of the mandate

  • Office of the Registrar
  • Deans of the Faculties of Study
  • Controller of Examinations
  • Faculty Development Centre
  • Educational Units of constituent units
  • Curriculum committees of the Constituent units
  • Student councils

Dr. Aswini Dutt R.


Dean of Academics, Yenepoya (Deemed to be University)

Professor of Physiology, Yenepoya Medical College

Deralakatte, Mangalore 575018,
Ph :(M) +91 9845035530
(0) 0824-2204668 (Extn.: 5090)

The University Curriculum Committee

Scope of the committee: To address the diverse academic needs and improvement of academic standards of the University

  • Deans of all Faculties of Study
  • Aswini Dutt R, Dean of Academics- Chairperson
  • Dr. Rashmi Jain, MEU Coordinator, YMC - Convener
  • Dr. Vijayalakshmi Subramaniam, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, YMC
  • Dr. Imran Pasha, Department of Community Dentistry, YDC
  • Dr. Umarani, YNC
  • The Vice-Chancellor, Registrar, and Controller of Examinations will attend the meeting as a special invitee when required.

Scope of the working team:To support the University Curriculum Committee in addressing the faculty wise academic matters

  • Dr. Meera, Department of Anatomy, YMC
  • Dr. Malcom Pinto, Department of Dermatology, YMC
  • Dr. Vinay Krishna, Department of Oral Surgery, YDC
  • Dr. Shakil, Department of Oral Pathology, YDC
  • Mrs. Hezil Reema Barboza, Department of Medical-Surgical Nursing, YNC
  • Dr. Asir John Samuel, Vice Principal, YPC
  • Dr. Ayesha Sultana, Department of Pharmaceutics, YPCRC
  • Dr. Mamatha Kunder, Vice Principal, YSAHS
  • Mrs. Liba Sara Verghese, Department of Optometry, YSAHS
  • Ms. Pranjali, Mhatre, Department of Occupational Therapy, YSAHS
  • Dr. Tanushree Nair, YAMC
  • Dr. Shilipi Rastogi, YHMC
  • Dr. Sangeethalaxmi, YNYSCH
  • Mr. Mahammad Shahid, Department of Commerce, YIASCM
  • Ms. Aishwarya, Department of Food Science and Nutrition, YIASCM
  • Ms. Charithra, Department of Management, YIASCM
  • Mr. Narayan Sukumar, Department of Computer Science, YIASCM
  • Ms. Sannidhi, Department of Forensic Science, YIASCM
  • Mr. Rashid, Department of Humanities and Social Science, YIASCM
  • Dr. Shankar Prasad Das, YRC
  • Mr. Amruth, Department of Public Health
  • Mr. Sachin Acharya, Department of Statistics


Workshop: Mapping Learning Outcomes- Attainment And Analysis

Dates: 14th July 2023, 18th July 2023 and 26th July 2023


  • Importance of Outcome Based Educational framework (OBE)
  • Defining Learning outcomes and terminologies
  • Mapping of learning outcomes
  • Alignment of Teaching-Learning-Assessment methods
  • Attainment of Learning outcomes and its Analysis –An experience sharing
  • Hands-on activity – Defining and Mapping learning outcomes
  • Attainment calculation of learning outcomes- A sample exercise

Workshop: CD4 of Educational Framework Curriculum Design, Development, Deployment, and Discernment

Dates: 4.7.2023 and 5.7.2023


  • Describe learning theories with the curriculum
  • List principles of curriculum design
  • Discuss the steps involved in the development of the Course/ Module
  • Align different Teaching-Learning-Assessment methods to the outcomes stated
  • Discuss the different modules of the curricular enrichment
  • Discuss different components of the Syllabus revision, steps involved and guidelines for Syllabus revision
  • Align the stakeholders’ feedback to syllabus revision/curricular enrichment
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