Department of Statistics


The Department of Statistics is established in 2019, one of the young and energetic departments in the University aiming to impart Statistical Knowledge and Rational thinking to all curious minds on and around the campus.

The Department of Statistics is offering M.Sc. Biostatistics, M.Sc. Statisticsand Doctoral Programs. The regular lectures are conducted in the ICT-enabled classrooms and practical sessions are based on real-world datasets. The innovative teaching methods practiced in the Department include- Journal club presentations based on multi-disciplinary papers, case studies, quizzes, assignments based on real-life problem statements, interactive discussions using social media forums, etc.

The Department holds the principal role in the research activities of the University by providing Statistical consultancies. The students and the faculties of the Department are actively participating in these consultancies. The Department is also conducting guest talks and interactions with professionals from industries, workshops and co-curricular activities for the benefit of students and the faculties.

M.Sc. Biostatistics

The Department is offering two years Master’s Program in Biostatistics which is the kind of specialized program that excels students to pursue a career in applied statistics like data science,market research, pharmaceutical research, Bio-medical research, Industry, and other research organizations.

Why Us?
  • Strong theoretical foundation in Applied Statistics
  • Data-centric teaching approach.
  • Regular  exercises, assignments, and practicals based on real-world data
  • Provision to work in multiple programming environments (SPSS, R, Python, EPI Info, G* Power)
  • Statistical Consultation: Continuous interaction with researchers of various health domains 
  • Access to enormous databases and research journals
  • Extensive job opportunities both in the private and public sectors.
  • Access to Research problems

M.Sc. Statistics

The Department is offering two years Master’s Program in Statistics with the aim of training the students with strong foundation in general statistical theory and model building approaches. It is a program that excels students to pursue a career in public and private sector, R&D organizations. 

Why Us?
  • Strong theoretical foundation in Mathematics and Statistics.
  • Research as well as application oriented teaching methods.
  • Regular exercises, assignments and practicals based on real world data.
  • Up to date syllabus with applied papers to compete with the modern job requirements. (Bayesian Inference, Survival Analysis, Machine Learning etc.)
  • Provision to work in multiple programming environments (SPSS, R, Python)
  • Access to enormous data bases and research journals
  • Project work based on real life data with introduction to research and ethics
  • Extensive job and research opportunities both in private and public sectors.

Teaching Methodology

  • Theory courses are delivered through regular classroom teaching, seminars, tutorials, self-directed learning, journal presentations and subsequent research orientation
  • Practical courses involve problem oriented learning with exposure to software and consultations.
  • Project Work/ Internship (in the fourth semester) 

Duration: Two-year Regular Program (four Semesters)

Course Curriculum Pattern: Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)

Scope of the program

M.Sc. Biostatistics

There has been a clearly increasing recognition of the contribution of Bio statistical expertise to an ever-expanding range of areas in medical, dental, genetic, and health science research. By developing new quantitative methods, characterizing underlying theory, and making innovative applications to scientific problems, Biostatisticians play a leading role in the advancement of biomedical, pharmaceutical and public health research. 
Demand for expertise in Biostatistics continues to be high in academia and in public and private sectors emphasizing health science research. There is a widely recognized shortage of graduates in Biostatistics relative to what appears to be a continually increasing demand for expertise in this area.

M.Sc. Statistics

The post graduates in Statistics are eligible to attend the recruitment to Indian Statistical Service and various departments of Statistics and Economics in central government.  In the academic institutions, these post graduates are eligible to teach under graduate and post graduates programs in Statistics. In addition to traditional employment, the post graduates can also work in industries, banking, computer software companies, medical and pharmaceutical research, state and central government and R&D organizations. 
There is a huge demand for Data Scientists particularly Statisticians who can effectively carry out the scientific analysis of the data. The theoretical foundations, design guidelines and computational skills associated with the different fields of Statistics help the students to pursue higher studies in advanced areas of Statistics.

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