IQAC - Internal Quality Assurance Cell

Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), envisaged as per the NAAC guidelines, has its own space on the 2nd floor in the academic building with dedicated office and manpower. IQAC has representation from every faculty/division/centre of the University with external experts. It meets every 3 months to oversee all quality related issues and create quality circles. Students are also included as members in the IQAC. It is also involved in implementing all the regulations outlined by the statutory councils, and the UGC, thereby, helping the University to improve the quality of education & research.

Objectives of IQAC
  • To enhance the quality of activities in the institution towards academic excellence.
  • Participatory activities towards attaining quality
  • Developing intervention strategies to remove deficiencies and enhance quality.

IQAC Meetings

IQAC Notification

Stakeholder's feedback on Curriculum

For general enquires please email at or please call us:0824 -2203943

Telephone                           : 0824 -2203943

Front desk                           : 2038 

IQAC Co-ordinator           :  Dr. Sharath B, Dy. Director, IQAC

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