2nd State Conference of Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine, Karnataka Chapter organized by YMC
from 21st to 22nd October 2022.
Hands-on training on "Planning and execution of orthognathic surgery” organized by YDC from 26th to 27th June
Continuing dental education program on “Imaging boom: version 2” organized by YDC on 19th June 2023.
Short-term faculty development course on "Enhancing teaching and curriculum for competency-based education"
organized by YEN-FDC from 14th to 16th June 2023.
Continuing dental education program on “Measles and rubella elimination and other VPD and AEFI surveillance”
organized by Department of Community Medicine, YMC on 08th June 2023.
Hands-on workshop on "Artificial intelligence and digitalization in oral pathology" organized by YDC on 3rd June
Symposium on “Ayushman bharath digital mission and health for all” organized by Department of Community
Medicine, YMC on 06th April 2023.
Pre-conference workshop with hands–on training on “Sutures and suturing techniques” organized by YDC on 31st
March 2023.
Seminar on “Inter professional insight on aspects of hearing care” organized by Department of Audiology and
Speech Language Pathology, YMC on 29th March 2023.
Hands-on training on “OSCE and OSPE method of evaluation” organized by YSAHS on 17th March 2023.
Workshop on “Mastering the art of teaching; innovative strategies for engaging and empowering students”
organized by YSAHS from 12th to 13th March 2023.
Symposium and workshop on "3D forensics" organized by YDC on 11th March 2023.
Workshop on “Revised basic course workshop” organized by Medical Education Unit, YMC from 09th to 11th March
Continuing dental education program on “Double slot brackets- endless possibilities” organized by YDC on 06th
March 2023.
Workshop on “First aid training program” organized by Association with Youth Red Cross Unit and Department of
Pharmacy Practice, YPCRC on 04th March 2023.
International webinar on “Journey of unraveling molecular mechanisms of cancer drug resistance” organized by
Department of Pharmacy Practice, YPCRC on 02nd March 2023.
Workshop on “Mastering the art of question bank preparation and question paper setting” organized by YIASCM on
21st February 2023.
Training session on “The usage of interactive panel display” organized by YAMCH on 21st February 2023.
Continuing dental education program on “Restorative conclave” organized by YDC on 17th February 2023.
Faculty development program on “Gurudakshtha II”, organized by Staff Welfare Committee, YPCRC on 16th February
Training program on ”Collaboration with google space: an introduction” organized by Staff Welfare Committee,
YPCRC on 13th February 2023.
Workshop on “Assessment and Accreditation by NAAC” organized by YIASCM on 16th February 2023.
Faculty development program on “Implementation of electives” organized by Medical Education Unit, YMC on 08th
February 2023.
Workshop on “Clinical reasoning and differential diagnosis: physiotherapist perspective” organized by YPC from
04th to 08th February 2023.
Workshop on “Ceramic layering techniques on metal-free zirconia coping on models” organized by YDC on 04th
February 2023.
Workshop on “Use of music therapy in palliative care and training in use of body tambura” organized by
Department of Geriatric Medicine, YMC from 27th to 29th January 2023.
Continuing dental education program on “Pre-surgical nasoalveolar moulding"- An Insight and Hands-On Workshop
organized by YDC on 10th January 2023.
Continuing dental education program on “Immunohistochemistry-an overview” organized by YDC on 05th January 2023.
Faculty development program on “TLEP - assessment and evaluation” organized by YIASCM on 02nd January 2023.
Workshop on “Empowering divyangjan; an insight on disability certification and procedure” organized by
Department of Audiology and Speech Language Pathology, YMC on 28th December 2022.
Continuing dental education program on “Regaining pink esthetics – a periodontal perspective” with live surgical
demonstration organized by YDC on 06th December 2022.
Faculty development program on “Gurudakshata” organized by YHMCH in association with YEN-FDC on 29th and 30th
November 2022.
Workshop on “Objective calibration” organized by Department of Audiology and Speech Language Pathology, YMC on
23rd November 2022.
Workshop on “Improving function of children with cerebral palsy and other neuromotor disorders using NDT and SI
-translating theory into clinical practice” organized by YPC on 21st November 2022.
Faculty development program on “TLEP development” organized by YIASCM on 12th November 2022.
Continuing dental education program on Yendocon –“All tissue YSGG laser dentistry” organized by YDC on 08th
November 2022.
National symposium on “Pediatric eczema and allergy” organized by Departments of Dermatology, Venereology and
Leprosy and Pediatrics, YMC on 07th November 2022.
Continuing dental education program on "Multidisciplinary approaches to obstructive sleep apnea” organized by
YDC on 29th October 2022.
Faculty development program on “TLEP development” organized by YIASCM on 29th October 2022.
Faculty development program on “Teaching learning blueprint” organized by YIASCM on 22nd October 2022.
Pre conference continuing dental education program on “Scientific Paper Writing and Research Integrity”
organized by Department of Community Medicine, YMC on 20th October 2022.
Workshop on “Revised basic course workshop” organized by Medical Education Unit, YMC from 11th to 13th October
Faculty development program on “Curriculum development” organized by YIASCM on 08th October 2022.
Continuing dental education program on Yendocon –“An overview on dental loupes” organized by YDC on 1st October
Faculty development program on “Aviation services and aviation law” organized by YIASCM on 28th September 2022.
Webinar on “Sports dentistry - a new horizon in dentistry” organized by YDC on 27th September 2022.
Symposium on “Temporomandibular joint disorder and full mouth occlusal rehabilitation” organized by YDC on 26th
and 27th September 2022.
Faculty development program on “Designing learning experiences” organized by YIASCM on 24th September 2022.
Workshop on “Advanced applications of CBCT technology: surgical guides and 3D printing” organized by YDC on 10th
September 2022.
Continuing dental education program and live surgical workshop on “Facial plastic and reconstructive surgery”
organized by Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, YMC on 24th August 2022.
Workshop on “Disaster victim identification” organized by Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, YMC on
23rd August 2022.
Continuing dental education program on “Higher education and work opportunities for dental professionals-the
scenario in australia and new zealand" organized by YDC on 23rd August 2022.
Continuing dental education program on “Digital implantology” organized by YDC on 07th August 2022.
Workshop on “Integrated multidisciplinary approach and quality of care in breast cancer patients” organized by
YPC from 21st July to 23rd July 2022.
Continuing dental education program on Yendocon "The bioceramic revolution” organized by YDC on 21st July 2022.
Workshop on “Science communication workshop” organized by Yenepoya Dental Education Unit in association with DBT
Welcome Trust India Alliance on 19th July and 20th July 2022.
Continuing dental education program on “BPPV – diagnosis and management” organized by Department of
Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, YMC on 15th July 2022.
Faculty development program on “Pedagogical talk” organized by YIASCM on 04th July 2022.
Continuous faculty development education program on “Research Tools and Harnessing E-resource facilities for
academic success at Yenepoya (Deemed to be University)”, organized by YEN-FDC in association with Faculty
development unit of YSAHS on 08th June 2023.
Seminar on "Copyright law and steps in copyright filing", organized by YPC on 20th June 2023.
Workshop on “Basics of Data Analytics”, organized by Division of Data Analytics, Bioinformatics and Structural
Biology, YRC from 19th to 30th June 2023.
Workshop on “Ethicsphere: Ethical Compass for Responsible Research”, organized by Department of Hospital
Administration, YSAHS and in association with Centre for Ethics, Yenepoya (Deemed to be University) on 10th June
Workshop on “Research Informed Consent and Participant Information Sheet”, organized by Yenepoya Ethics
Committee-1, Yenepoya (Deemed to be University) on 31st May 2023.
Continuous faculty development education program on “Formulating Research Question, Hypothesis and Objectives”,
organized by YEN-FDC in association with Faculty development unit of YSAHS on 26th May 2023.
Intensive Summer Workshop on “Ethics and Research” (I-SWEAR), organized by Centre for Ethics, Yenepoya (Deemed
to be University) from 23rd to 26th May 2023.
Research 'Curtain Raiser' series awareness program for Faculty on SRF Model in Higher Education, organized by
YIASCM on 05th May 2023.
Guest lecture on "Intellectual Property in the Health Science: Accelerating Innovation and Creativity",
organized by Yenepoya Central Library and The Department of Library and Information Science, Yenepoya (Deemed to
be University) on 26th April 2023.
Guest lecture on "Overview of research data, management analysis & visualization tools", organized by Scientific
Review Board, YPCRC on 20th April 2023.
Workshop on “Scoping Review”, organized by Centre for Ethics, Yenepoya (Deemed to be University) on 17th and
18th April 2023.
Guest lecture on “Reference management tool, Grammerly, Typeset creation suite & Scopus" organised by Scientific
Review Board, YPCRC on 17th April 2023.
Seminar on "How to avoid predatory journals?” organized by YPC on 10th April 2023.
Workshop on “Effective Writing for Publication”, organized by Centre for Ethics, Yenepoya (Deemed to be
University) on 31st March and 13th April 2023.
End User Awareness program on “Thieme MedOne Otolaryngology” organized by Yenepoya Central Library and The
Department of Library and Information Science, Yenepoya (Deemed to be University) on 27th March 2023.
Online Sensitization and awareness training program on "Reference Management Tools and Techniques for Research",
organized by Yenepoya Central Library and The Department of Library and Information Science, Yenepoya (Deemed to
be University) on 16th March 2023.
Online Sensitization and awareness training program on "Open Access and Open Education Resources", organized by
Yenepoya Central Library and The Department of Library and Information Science, Yenepoya (Deemed to be
University) on 11th March 2023.
End User Awareness program “Thieme MedOne Communication Science Database”, organized by Yenepoya Central Library
and The Department of Library and Information Science, Yenepoya (Deemed to be University) on 10th March 2023.
Online Sensitization and awareness training program on "Enhancing your Academic Research Identities using
IRINS/ORCID/ Others”, organized by Yenepoya Central Library and The Department of Library and Information
Science, Yenepoya (Deemed to be University) on 4th March 2023.
Guest lecture on "Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)", organized by Department of Pharmacognosy, YPCRC on 02nd
March 2023.
Online Sensitization and awareness training program on “How to find a suitable indexed journal without APC for
your publications?” organized by Yenepoya Central Library and The Department of Library and Information Science,
Yenepoya (Deemed to be University) on 2nd March 2023.
Online Sensitization and awareness training program on “Indexed Vs. Non-Indexed Publications Impact on
Institutional Ranking”, organized by Yenepoya Central Library and The Department of Library and Information
Science, Yenepoya (Deemed to be University) on 25th February 2023.
Online Sensitization and awareness training program on “Indexed Vs. Non-Indexed Vs. Predatory Journals for
Publications”, organized by Yenepoya Central Library and The Department of Library and Information Science,
Yenepoya (Deemed to be University) on 23rd February 2023.
Online Sensitization and awareness training program on “E-Resources and Remote Access Service”, organized by
Yenepoya Central Library and The Department of Library and Information Science, Yenepoya (Deemed to be
University) on 16th February 2023.
Webinar on "Order and disorder in the nucleus: How errors and sibling rivalry among the chromatin organizer
proteins lead to diseases?", as a part of Science Unlimited webinar series organized by YRC on 14th February
Online Sensitization and awareness training program on “Scopus: Abstract and Citation Database”, organized by
Yenepoya Central Library and The Department of Library and Information Science, Yenepoya (Deemed to be
University) on 11th February 2023.
Online Sensitization and awareness training program on “i-Thenticate: Plagiarism Detection Software”, organized
by Yenepoya Central Library and The Department of Library and Information Science, Yenepoya (Deemed to be
University) on 09th February 2023.
Online Sensitization and awareness training program on “Typeset: Journal Article Format Creator”, organized by
Yenepoya Central Library and The Department of Library and Information Science, Yenepoya (Deemed to be
University) on 04th February 2023.
Online Sensitization and awareness training program on “Grammarly Premium”, organized by Yenepoya Central
Library and the Department of Library and Information Science, Yenepoya (Deemed to be University) on 28th
January and 2nd February 2023.
Guest lecture on "Research Support Tools & Software Services", organized by Scientific Review Board, YPCRC on
17th January 2023.
Hands on workshop on “Research Methodology”, organized by Scientific Review Board for YSAHS from 11th to 13th
January 2023.
Workshop on “Basic Research Methodology for First Year Dental Postgraduates”, organized by Yenepoya Dental
Education Unit in association with Center for Health Professional Education and Department of Community
Medicine, YMC on 10th to 12th January 2023.
Guest lecture on “Various funding agencies & opportunities for invocation & translation”, organized by
Scientific Review Board, YPCRC on 10th January 2023.
Webinar on "Epigenetic alteration in gastric cancer and their potential clinical applications", as a part of
Science Unlimited webinar series organized by YRC on 06th January 2023.
Webinar on "Skeletal muscle, an endangered species: And how to save it", as a part of Science Unlimited webinar
series organized by YRC on 20th December 2022.
Workshop on "Basic Research Methodology", organized by Scientific Review Board, YPCRC on 16th December 2022.
Workshop on “Basic Research Methodology for First Year Medical Postgraduates”, organized by Department of
Community Medicine, Yenepoya Medical College and Medical Education Unit, Yenepoya (Deemed to be University) on
13th to 15th December 2022.
Guest lecture on “Pharma product development from creation to bringing change & IPR”, organized by Department of
Pharmaceutics, YPCRC on 06th December 2022.
Webinar on "Drosophila – A transgenic animal model in human disorder research", as a part of Science Unlimited
webinar series organized by YRC on 03rd November 2022.
Pre-conference Continuing medical education on “Scientific Paper Writing and Research Integrity”, organized by
Department of Community Medicine, YMC on 20th October 2022.
Lecture on "Microbes in Space: Challenges and Solutions for ‘Omics in Space”, organized by Division of
Microbiology and Biotechnology, YRC on 06th October 2022.
Guest lecture on “Future of Libraries: Challenges for LIS Professionals”, organized by Yenepoya Central Library
and The Department of Library and Information Science, Yenepoya (Deemed to be University) on 1st October 2022.
Course on “Data analysis using STATA” organized by Department of Community Medicine, YMC in collaboration with
International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease from 16th to 18th August 2022.
Training on “Good Laboratory Practices in Pharmacy Educational Institute (Part-II)”, organized by Staff Welfare
Committee, YPCRC on 16th August 2022.
Faculty development program on “Scientific Research Writing”, organized by Department of Commerce and
Management, YIASCM on 11th August 2022.
Awareness program on “IRINS-Creation & Updating of Profiles”, organized by Yenepoya Central Library and The
Department of Library and Information Science, Yenepoya (Deemed to be University) on 28th July 2022.
Webinar on “How to Conduct an Effective Literature Search”, organized by the Yenepoya Central Library and The
Department of Library and Information Science, Yenepoya (Deemed to be University) on 23rd July 2022.
Workshop on “DBT/Wellcome Trust India Alliance-Science Communication”, organized by Yenepoya Dental Education
Unit (YEN-DEU), YDC on 19th and 20th July 2022.