Office of COE

Yenepoya (Deemed to be University), established in 2008, is striving to maintain high academic standards and quality in Higher Education. The University is committed to providing quality education through an efficient, reliable, valid and continuous evaluation system. The examination section of the University is endowed with well-defined responsibilities and adequate authorities to conduct fair and timely examinations (as per the academic calendar of the colleges and university examination calendar) for the Diploma/UG/PG/ PhD programmes. Examinations are an important academic activity to bring out the student's performance and support effective teaching and learning process. In this context, the examination section plays a vital role at every stage in the evaluation process, including Continuous Evaluation in the form of Internal Assessment (IA) and End Semester / Annual External Assessment (EA). The examination section concentrates on the need for radical reforms in traditional examination and assessment systems and is working towards evolving a credible, valid, and reliable evaluation system. A written Manual of Examinations can be considered as one of the preconditions of any successful Examination System