Advanced Surgical Skill Enhancement Division

This unit was initiated in the year 2018, with the view to enhance the surgical skills for the budding surgeons. In current century minimal invasive surgeries are gaining upper hand day by day. The reasons behind this are minimal incision, fast healing, less tissue damage, less or no identifiable scar, less post op care and early discharge from the hospital. This unit is located in the ground floor of the academic block of the medical college building.

In ASSEND the minimally invasive surgical techniques like Robotic, in collaboration with Intuitive surgical private limited and Laparoscopic surgical skill training, Transplantation techniques with respect to Liver and Kidneys are also being imparted. We started our first internal program on 23rd April 2019 and external program on 12th June 2019. For the beginners, endo-trainers will be utilized before utilizing live animal model in order to strengthen their hands and eyes co-ordination.

Basic requirements such as handling and maintenance of energy devices and camera, port placement, abdominal insufflations will be briefed with practical exposure. And are allowed to perform major and minor live surgical procedures using live animal model, under the supervision of the trainer ethically and judiciously. Beneficiaries included are health professional - post graduates, specialists and super specialists. Training protocols includes laparoscopic surgery, robotic surgery, liver transplantation, renal transplantation, ARDS model. Imparting disciplined, ethical and judicious utilization of the source is our main motto.

YouTube Link: Introduction about ASSEND

YouTube Link: Introduction about ASSEND

Endo-Training Area

Laparoscopic Unit

Robotic Training unit

Pre Anesthetic Room