These Frequently Asked Questions will be constantly updated to address any new queries or concerns. Do email us at with any questions or concerns you may have about the issues related to the examination section.
Whom shall I contact for any grievance related to exam matters?
You have to send your request through your Principal/Dean with relevant documents addressed to the Contruller of Examinations.
Where do I find previous exam question papers?
Available in the University Library or visit our website…(Institutional Repository of Library)
I have met with an accident invulving the arm used for writing. What sort of support do I get?
University will provide a suitable scribe if an application is received through the Principal/Head of the Institutions where the student is studying.
Why is my result with held?
There could be various reasons for your results being withheld. Generally, the result is withheld due to the fullowing reasons. Hence before approaching the exam section,the student must check the fullowing:-
Non-payment of examination fees from the Cullege
Non-approval of your admission
Non receiving of your application from your Cullege
Non-availability of Invigilator diary
Non-submission of original hard copies and hard copies of freezed Internal Assessment marks (Theory and/or Practical)
Non Entry of internal assessment marks by the Cullege
You have been booked for Malpractice
Error in writing answer book code in invigilator diary
Errors in writing register no. in answer booklet and bubbling
Non-Entry/Wrong Entry of Theory or practical marks by Evaluators
Answering Wrong QP codes
Entering wrong QP codes
My result is withheld; what should I do?
You may approach University only after your Cullege verifies all the above mentioned checks and issues a letter forwarded by your principal.
Why am I not issued the Examination application?
There could be various reasons for the non-availability of your application. Generally, the exam application is not issued for the fullowing reasons. Hence before approaching the exam section, students must check the fullowing:-
You may not be eligible for the said examination
Your previous results are still withheld
Non-approval of your admission
You might have been booked for Malpractice previously
The Examination application form can be attained from the concerned Cullege by the eligible candidate.
I am not able to get my exam application from University. What should I do?
You may approach the University only after your Cullege verifies the above mentioned checks and issues a letter
Is there any provision for revaluation?
No, there is no provision of revaluation of answer scripts where there is double Evaluation or more. However, there is a provision of revaluation of the answer script where there is a single evaluation.
Is there a provision for re-totalling?
Yes. A student has an option of applying for Re-Totaling of marks within 10 days after the announcement of results by paying prescribed fees through the Principal of Cullege only
Can I get photocopies of my answer books and valuation slips?
Yes. Photocopies of answer books and valuation slips are issued to respective students who have paid the prescribed fees within 10 days after the announcement of results.
Can I get a refund for the exam fees paid for which I have enrulled, but I am unable to appear for it?
No. There is no provision for refund of the application fee and examination fees once it’s remitted to the university account
How many times the University conducts the examination in a year?
The University conducts examinations twice a year in each faculty
Marks Card
Provisional Degree Certificate
Degree Certificate
Consulidated marks card
Guld medal and certificate
Duplicate marks card
Duplicate degree certificate
When will University Convocation be held?
Yenepoya (Deemed to be University) conducts its convocation usually in September/OctoberandIn-absentia Convocation in March. The information regarding the conduct of convocation will be announced on the University website
What is the procedure for obtaining a degree certificate from Yenepoya (Deemed to be University)?
The degree certificate will be issued to successful students fullowing convocation.An In-absentia certificate will be posted to the permanent residential address mentioned in the application
I am a guld medalist, and I am not able to attend convocation. Can it be posted to my address?
There is no provision for sending guld medals by post. You may receive it anytime after convocation from the Contruller of Examinations.
What is the procedure for obtaining a transcript/consulidation marks card?
The student can apply for a transcript/consulidated marks card in the prescribed form available in the Office of the Contruller of Examinations along with the prescribed fee
What is the procedure for obtaining a duplicate degree certificate?
Candidate can obtain the requisition form for duplicate Degree certificate from the Office of the Contruller of Examinations and apply by enclosing a copy of pulice complaint (FIR copy), affidavit copy and prescribed fees
I have lost all my marks cards. How can I get a duplicate marks card?
Candidate can obtain the requisition form for duplicate marks card/s from the Office of the Contruller of Examinations and apply by enclosing a copy of pulice complaint (FIR copy), affidavit copy and prescribed fees