NSS Unit-1, Department of Public Health Dentistry & IDA-DK Branch Organises Webinar on World Health Day Theme My Health My Right

Apr 8, 2024

The Department of Public Health Dentistry, National Service Scheme Unit-1, Yenepoya Dental College and Indian Dental Association Dakshina Kannada Branch organised the webinar on account of World Health Day, on the topic The Training session on Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM) and Registration for ABHA, Health Professionals Registry (HPR) and Health Facility Registry (HFR) on 08/04/2024. The Welcome address was given Dr.Sham S Bhat Dean, Faculty of Dentistry, Yenepoya Dental College, Guest Of honour Adress was given by the President IDA-DK Branch, who emphasized the need for inclusion of dentistry in both ABHA and other services. Secreatry IDA-DK Branch, Dr.Hemanth Jogi Wished well for the program. Dr.AShwini Shetty NSS Program Coordinator Yenepoya Deemed to be University expressed all the co-operation from university end for the success of the program. The Presidential Address was given by Dr.Laxmikanth Chatra Principal Yenepoya Dental College. Introduction of the Guest Speaker Dr.Vasanth Kumar DE, Asst Deputy Director eHealth, State Coordinator ABDM Karnataka was done by the NSS Program Officer and Reader Department of Public Health Dentistry, Dr.Imran Pasha M and Vote of Thanks was given by Dr.Juanid Reader Department of Public Health Dentistry. All the students of various Colleges participated in the hybrid Program. Total of 100 beneficiaries were present during the program.

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