Mangaluru: Installation of Student Council 2024-25 held at The Yenepoya Institute of Arts, Science, Commerce and Management, Kulur Campus

Sep 2, 2024

Mangaluru, Sep 2: The installation ceremony of the Student Council 2024-25 at The Yenepoya Institute of Arts, Science was held on Monday September 2, at 10 am in the YMK auditorium, Kulur campus. The event marked a significant milestone in the academic calendar, celebrating leadership, achievement, and community service.

The dignitaries present were chief guest Dr. Alwyn D'sa, Registrar, St. Aloysius Autonomous College; guest of honour Dr. Shyam Bhat, Dean Faculty of Dentistry, Yenepoya Dental College; Dr. Arun A Bhagwath, Principal and Dean Faculty of Science, YIASCM; Dr. Shareena P, Vice Principal and Dean Faculty of Commerce and Management, YIASCM; Dr. Jeevan Raj, Vice Principal, YIASCM and Mr. Narayana Sukumara A, Vice Principal, YIASCM. They were escorted by Dr. Savitha, Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Science to the dais.

To embrace God's presence on this auspicious occasion, a prayer song was recited by Muzammil, II B.Com (A &L). Ms. Saksha Shetty, Department of Design, welcomed the dignitaries present on the dais. The ceremony was inaugurated by the dignitaries lighting the lamp.

The Chief guest in his address, emphasised that the nominated student council members were the leaders among equals. He advised them to make the best use of this opportunity to serve others and let their journey be a search for truth. As the responsibility to maintain the name and fame of the institution lies on their shoulders, the behaviour and actions shouldn't tamper with the image of the institution.

Dr. Shyam Bhat in his address guided the student council members to be connected with the faculty members and administrators. He reminded them of their potential to put an end to ragging, substance abuse as well as reduce stress using the student support system. Lastly he advised the teachers to be a role model to the students and adapt themselves to the present time.

The ceremony witnessed the keynote address by Prof. Arun A. Bhagwath, Principal and Dean of the Faculty of Science at YIASCM. He emphasised the importance of leadership, dedication, and the role of student council members in shaping the institution's future.

The program included the formal installation of the Student council members, who were presented with badges symbolising their roles and responsibilities. Additionally, students who had excelled in various fields, including contributions to society, sports, arts, and culture, were honoured for their achievements. Notably, the Red Cross unit members were recognised and felicitated for their tireless efforts in road safety and traffic management, highlighting their commitment to community service.

The entire programme was compered by Ms. Pinakini Shetty, Lecturer, Department of Management. Dr. Savitha, Professor in the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences and convener of the program, delivered the vote of thanks, expressing gratitude to all those who contributed to the success of the event.

Heads of departments, faculty members, and students graced the program. The inaugural ceremony ended with the National Anthem

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