Exploring the Research Constituents: A Guide to Export Data and Conduct Bibliometric Analysis using VOSviewer

Sep 28, 2024

Research Knowledge Enhancement Programme - Series 3 on "Exploring the Research Constituents: A Guide to Export Data and Conduct Bibliometric Analysis using VOSviewer"

Yen- Refined, Yenepoya Research Centre for Finance and Entrepreneurship Development, a Research Centre of The Yenepoya Institute of Arts, Science, Commerce and Management (YIASCM), Yenepoya (Deemed to be University) organised a Research Knowledge Enhancement Programme on 17 th February, 2024. The Programme was inaugurated by the Chief Guest Dr Riaz Abdullah, Professor and Head of Oral Pathology & Microbiology, Head of Biomaterials & Research Centre, Yenepoya Dental College, Yenepoya (Deemed to be University), a luminary in both dentistry and academia. His multifaceted expertise as a dentist, academician, administrator, researcher, and entrepreneur brought a wealth of knowledge and inspiration to the gathering.

The inaugural session commenced with a prayer led by Mr Abdul Jaleel, Research Scholar, followed by a warm welcome address by Ms. Prarthana, Junior Research Fellow. The lighting of the lamp by dignitaries, including Dr Riaz Abdullah, Chief Guest, Dr. Jeevan Raj, Vice Principal, and Dr. Niyaz Panakaje, Coordinator of YEN-Refined, Ms Riha Parvin, resource person of the event along with Mr Mahammed Shahid, HOD of Commerce and Ms Neekshitha Shetty, HOD of Management symbolized the enlightenment and quest for knowledge.

The Co-ordinator of YEN-Refined, Dr Niyaz Panakaje accentuated the importance of research skills in the journey of research and how such workshops have an impact on the conduct of research.

Dr. Riaz's address resonated with the audience, emphasizing the importance of interdisciplinary research and versatility in academic pursuits. He shared anecdotes from his journey, emphasising the pivotal role of research in shaping his career. Dr Riaz's emphasis on setting SMART goals in research (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) and maintaining integrity in publication ethics, struck a chord with the attendees.

Dr Riaz, in his address, eloquently recounted his transformative journey shaped by the guidance and mentorship of visionary Dr Arun Bhagwath, the Principal of YIASCM. He vividly reminisced about the pivotal moments when Dr Arun Bhagwat's encouragement and persuasion propelled him towards embracing interdisciplinary research endeavors. Dr Riaz attributed much of his success to Dr Arun Bhagwat's foresight and relentless support, particularly in urging him to explore funding opportunities from Funding Agencies like VGST, ICMR, DST, DAE - BRNS and ICMR -DHR.

In alignment with Dr Arun Bhagwat's visionary leadership, Dr Riaz Abdullah highlighted the remarkable evolution of Yenepoya Research Centre, Yenepoya (Deemed to be University) as a beacon of research excellence. He credited the Yenepoya Research Centre's progress to the collective efforts of its research community, now comprising over 150 researchers, and emphasized the pivotal role played by self-funded centre in promoting a vibrant research culture.

The Chief Guest advocated a holistic approach to literature review, incorporating the 5 C's - Cite, Compare, Contrast, Critic, and Control, akin to the meticulous scrutiny of a legal professional. He concluded his address by urging the research scholars to include two important aspects of ethical considerations of humanity in research i.e. inclusiveness and gratefulness.

Dr Jeevan Raj, the Vice Principal, in his address, stressed the importance of analytical skills in research, highlighting the abundance of resources and software available for researchers. He commended the participants for their commitment in enhancing their research acumen, despite it being a holiday.

The workshop, facilitated by Ms Riha Parvin, Senior Research Fellow at Srinivas University, expounded into the practical aspects of bibliometric analysis using VOSviewer. Ms Riha Parvin's meticulous preparation and interactive teaching style engaged participants throughout the day. She provided hands-on guidance on data exportation and interpretation, equipping attendees with valuable skills for research enhancement.

The organisers acknowledged the collaborative support and guidance extended by Dr Arun Bhagwat the Principal of YIASCM along with the Vice Principals Dr Shareena P, Dr Jeevan Raj and Dr Narayan Sukumara in elevating the institution's ethos of academic integrity and ethical research conduct.

The event was co-ordinated with the assistance of Dr Shakira Irfana, Associate Professor of YIASCM hosting the session, Ms. Baziga, Junior Research Fellow delivering the vote of thanks and Ms Babitha taking over the certificate distribution ceremony.

The workshop, attended by 45 enthusiastic participants, provided a dynamic platform for collaborative learning and knowledge exchange. Participants actively engaged with the material, engaging in VOSviewer to analyze and interpret data, thereby enhancing their research capabilities. The event not only provided valuable insights and practical skills but also reinforced the institution's ethos of academic integrity and ethical research conduct.

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